Second Life


We all have pieces of clothing that mean something to us, favorite pieces to which we are attached, which we associate with certain memories, from which we do not want to part. I bring these pieces from the darkness of the closet back into the light and give them a new purpose, a second life. Do you want to give your children a piece of home when they leave the house? A pillowcase made from old children's clothes and rompers? Are you looking for a special wedding gift? Do you also have hidden treasures that you love?


After the death of my mother in 2016, I helped my father sort out her clothes. We couldn't bring ourselves to give away all her clothes, so I had the idea to sew a blanket out of her shirts. I cut the shirts into small pieces and sewed everything back together by hand. A lengthy, but for me healing process to deal with the grief. Thus, a large blanket with pillows for my father and 3 pillows for her 3 grandchildren were created.

A friend visited me, in her luggage her precious yoga shirts, accumulated over 20 years, to sew a meditation blanket with. The very first one she had bought, shirts from India that had a certain meaning for her, that stood for a special time in her life. She had already cut up the shirts at home and already had an arrangement in her head, the shirt that was most important to her should be very close to her heart. So we sewed all weekend long, she told me the story of each shirt and on Sunday evening she could go home with a wonderful blanket.

My son brought about 30 shirts, bought years ago in Australia during his work and travel time, from India, Mexico, Mallorca, memories of certain times and stations in his life, too small or full of holes, gifts from exes. Shirts full of memories that he did not want to part with. A new blanket was created, which is in use every day.

This coat was created from an old knitted jacket, very loved by moths, fabric scraps and old silk blouses, madder dyed and printed with sumach leaves.

Unnoticed, hungry moth larvae had been feasting on this cardigan for a summer in the closet.





Blattwerk Textil , Monika Lorenz , Bunsenstraße 18 , 84030 Landshut , +49 151 45785025 ,